AI units patrol the area without exit from it Particularly useful for patrolling units and inside buildings Activation when players are close to the spawning areas (ESS zone) Simple and stable particularly suitable for MP missions A lot of preloaded units classname from different Mods Spawn infantry units, static turrets and vehicles
Spawning a couple of infantry groups to defend the HQ.Enemy Spawning System (ESS) is a simple and stable script for mission makers to spawn AI units on areas placed on map from editor. ((units _mgguy) select 0) moveInGunner _mg _minefield = "Land_PowerGenerator_F" createVehicle _genny _initialPos = getPos tower1 // Pos of tower. Spawn a random minefield around the radio tower. _tower setVehicleVarName "tower1" tower1 = _tower _towerbox2 = "Land_TTowerSmall_1_F" createVehicle _randPos2 _towerbox = "Land_spp_Transformer_F" createVehicle _randPos2 _tower setVectorUp // Make sure the tower is not leaning. _tower = "Land_TTowerBig_1_F" createVehicle _randPos2 ((units _mgguy13) select 0) moveInGunner _mg13 _mgguy13 = ,232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup _mg13 = createVehicle, 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"] _cargo = "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" createVehicle _randPos _nul = _area pushBack ( markerShape _mrk isEqualTo "Rectangle" ) This is within the area of the marker "mkr1". _group2 = call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup //Make the group defend the area. _officer setVehicleVarName "man1" man1 = _officer
_officer = _group createUnit, 0.6, "Colonel" ] _group99 = call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup call bis_fnc_taskPatrol _ammo4 = _towerSTUFF getRelPos īox4 = "Box_East_Wps_F" createVehicle _ammo1 _ammo3 = _towerSTUFF getRelPos īox3 = "Box_East_Ammo_F" createVehicle _ammo1 _ammo2 = _towerSTUFF getRelPos īox2 = "Box_East_WpsLaunch_F" createVehicle _ammo1 _ammo1 = _towerSTUFF getRelPos īox1 = "O_suppl圜rate_F" createVehicle _ammo1 _towerSTUFF = "Box_East_Grenades_F" createVehicle _randPos99 _towerhq = "CamoNet_OPFOR_big_Curator_F" createVehicle _randPos99 _plane = createVehicle call BIS_fnc_selectRandom ), ,, 0, "FLY" ]